Yorkshire Terrier Puppies - Articles
Treatment And Prevention Of Hypoglycemia In Yorkshire Terrier Puppies
In Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Hypoglycemia is rare, and really should not occur at all, but do to requests I will provide information about this issue.
Hypoglycemia, often known as low blood sugar is known as a condition resulting in a sudden drop in blood glucose in a puppy. It can be a problem frequently noticed in the toy breeds. It can also be present in smaller puppies of a litter in comparison to other litter mates or underweight puppies. It is usually brought on by lack of food consumption, stress, infections or poor diet. Puppies of smaller size alike are most prone to hypoglycemia from 2 days to five months of age. 2 day old puppies having hypoglycemia can usually be attributed to a newborn puppy nursing on its mother but not being successful in getting enough milk. Supplement feeding is required for a puppy in this case to avoid fading puppy syndrome which will result in dehydration and death. Newborn puppies must be weighed at birth and then again everyday to monitor weight gain. If no weight gain is noticed within 24 to 32 hours after birth, or any loss of weight, supplement feeding should be given to avoid fading puppy syndrome. Other signs besides no weight gain or even weight loss is that the puppy will become colder as body temperature lowers, and the skin will lose elasticity indicating dehydration. If gone untreated, the result is deadly.
Signs of hypoglycemia in an older puppies are generally the puppy will appear limp and lethargic. The gums and tongue will lack color, they could shiver or tremble. Other signs can be weakness, confusion, wobbly gait, frothing or drooling, wobbling of the head, and even seizures and convolutions.
- Over-handling young puppies, not allowing them enough rest or sleep.
- Puppies not getting enough nutrition nursing on their mother, or eating an adequate amount of food during their meal.
- Stress due to any change in its environment.
- Switching diets to a different brand of food and or going through the weaning process.
- Stress due to any type of traveling. (Regular outings should be limited until five to six months of age).
- Bacterial infections or intestinal parasites.
- Poor diet or poor eating habits.
Newborn puppies require a lot of rest. It is sensible to contain them to at least one room when young. Keep puppies confined with plenty of water, puppy pads, a soft bed, toys and don't skip scheduled feedings. This can help avoid the potential of your new Yorkie puppy over exerting himself when playing. It is important for them to get lots of rest. Limit playtime to small intervals throughout the day.
Hypoglycemia in older Yorkshire terrier puppies is usually triggered by some sort of stress or a missed meals or a combination of both. Always keep on hand a highly palatable high calorie paste. Some such brands are Nutri Stat or Nutri Cal. To help avoid hypoglycemia, puppy paste could be given to your puppy during and prior to any types of stressful situations such as travel, vaccinations, strenuous exercise, low temperatures, changing of homes, absences of a recent meal, or lack of rest.
Stress and improper nutrition may cause the blood sugar to drop to dangerously low levels. Always feed a high quality dog food 3 to 5 times a day depending on age. The more youthful they are, the more frequent they need to be feed.
Blood sugar levels should be restored as soon as possible. One way of doing this is to use something such as Nutri Cal or Nutri Drops ¼ cc per pound. Take note to follow directions on the Nutri Drop bottle. When using Nutri Cal place two inches on your forefinger and wipe it on the roof of your Yorkie puppy's mouth. Repeat in 30 minute intervals if needed. Honey, sugar or Karo syrup works in a pinch if rubbed on the roof of the mouth. Only use puppy paste or Nutri drops, or the honey or Karo syrup substitute. Never combine them. Follow the above with spoon feeding your Yorkie puppy with baby food, stages 1, beef flavored.
Making sure the puppy is warm is another essential part of treatment as body temperature goes down when a puppy has hypoglycemia. In progressive stages of hypoglycemia this happens very rapidly. A temperature that falls below 96 degrees usually ends in a coma. Keeping the puppy warm with blankets or heating pad set at low during treatment will aid in the puppy's recovery process.
Frequent feedings of 4 to 5 times a day is recommended for puppies at risk to prevent hypoglycemia. Feed moist or semi moist food to make it more palatable and use only top quality dog food made specifically for puppies. Puppies which can be more vulnerable to hypoglycemia are tiny puppies, underweight puppies, puppies weaned to early or placed to soon to new homes (12 weeks should be minimum age). Most outgrow this condition at 4 to 6 months of age. Puppies with estimated adult weight under 4 lbs are at higher risk of occurrence and may have several episodes throughout their lifetime. Always pay careful attention to eating habits and diet of any tiny toy puppy.
Things to have in case of emergency are a heat lamp or heating pad. Nutri Stat or Nutri Cal. Baby food, beef. Nutri Drops. Karo syrup or sugar. Rebound to aid in re-hydration.
Yorkshire Terrier Puppies And Potty Training
The Yorkshire Terrier make a fantastic pet. They are loving, loyal and make great companions and watch dogs. However, if you are thinking of getting one, you need to know how to potty-train your Yorkshire Terrier puppies the proper way.
These dogs were formerly owned by mill workers and were bred to hunt rats. They are recognized for their dependability and for being protective of their owners. This dog bonds quickly and is very, very social. These attributes makes this breed easy to train. Follow these course of actions to help you make sure that this chore is met more easily for you and your Yorkie puppy.
The best point to start potty-training your Yorkie is as soon as you get your puppy home. Keep in mind that your puppy's bladder is not fully developed until after he has grown. Take your puppy outside frequently, every hour or so if your schedule allows. Take your puppy to the same spot preferably, each time. If you are pee pee pad training, take your puppy to the pee pee pad. Do not change the pee pee pad if the puppy urinates on it as the scent will help the puppy go on the pad for the next potty visit.
Puppies should be socialized at a young age and only require reasonable exercise. They can tap into limitless energy when needed. They can get over stimulated with lots of visitors or activity. They are similar to a child who needs some quite time. But with just the a little amount of affection and activity, they are a perfect pet. Loving and socially part of the family, they gravitate more towards adults and older more grown-up children but do love to horse around with the kids. During calm time, they are content to sit on your lap for countless amounts of time.
Other times to take your puppy to its "potty spot" is after little one has had something to eat or drink. Also be sure to take your puppy to potty after waking up in the morning or after a long nap. Also before having a rigorous playtime.
Yorkshire Terrier Puppies does not realize how small they are. He is a brave little guy and exhibits pack leadership with highly protective instincts. The initial breed dogs were much larger than those of today. Selective breeding with the smallest of these dogs gradually changed the breed over the years. They are now seen as not only a pet but a fashion accessory as women carry these little dogs in bags or in their arms. The first Yorkie that looked like we see them today appeared in a dog show 1870. Most fully grown only stand 7 inches high and weigh no more than 7 pounds. They can be even smaller, but there is no such thing in the breed as a teacup Yorkie, just merely Yorkshire Terriers that are significantly smaller. The appeal of these dogs is that they always look so adorable all the way through adult hood. When they mature with age they mellow out and slowdown in activity level. But they still look as adorable and still love to be carried and cuddled.
When your pup is successful at going potty where he is suppose to, you need to then follow up the action of elimination with plenty of phrase such as "good doggie" along with plenty of petting and attention. As you take your puppy to "the potty spot" to eliminate, use a command such as "go potty", repeating the command until the puppy eliminates. Be consistent by using the exact same phrase each time as they will relate the command with this action. Saying a different phrase will just add confusion for your new Yorkie.
In the course of the first few weeks of house-training, there'll unfortunately be incidents. Whenever you see your Yorkie going potty in the house and not on his pee pee pad, speak loudly saying, "NO" or "STOP", and without delay take your Yorkie to its "potty spot", and follow the preceding routine. You should never physically hurt your puppy or place their nose in it. This tends to have an adverse affect and in fact interrupt your puppy's training progress. When your puppy is successful you should then follow up the action of elimination with a lot of phrase.
One things for sure, owning Yorkshire Terriers puppies as pets, is a dog lovers dream. Owning one puppy usually leads into owing more. You'll want to use a cleaner that takes out the smell that's left behind where your puppy had his accident. As this may avert your puppy from smelling that same spot and eliminating there again. During the first few weeks of house-training, there will regrettably be accidents. Don’t get discouraged, just stick to the routine. To be more successful at house training, you must keep the pup confined at night time in addition to when you're away from home. The best way to achieve this is by either having a dog crate of exercise pen. The reason a crate is used is a dog does not want to eliminate themselves where their den is which is where they lay and sleep at. This will teach the puppy how to hold it while strengthening its bladder. If using an exercise pen, make it small enough as to leave room for only the pup's bed and a pee pee pad, nothing else. Again, your pup won't want to pee where he lays, and this will encourage him to pee on the pee pee pad verses the bed he has to sleep in. Always remember puppies have limits to how long they hold themselves. A good rule of thumb is that a puppy can, at most hold their bowls and bladder for as many hours as the puppy is months old. For example, if your puppy is three months old, then don't expect your puppy to hold themselves for more than 3 hours.
Monitor just how much water consumption your Yorkie has just before bedtime. Also feed your pup's dinner to him as to permit plenty of time for the pup to be able to defecate before bedtime. Potty-training your Yorkshire Terrier puppy doesn't have to be a pain should you follow these steps. Just be patient, consistent, and triumph will follow.

Yorkie Puppy Training Tip
One of the very important tips that you have to remember when you are going to train these puppies is to make sure that you have minimized distractions. If you will be training your Yorkie, then you have to ensure that there are not so many animals or people in the surroundings. You have to limit the distractions as much as possible. Moreover, when you train Yorkie puppies, you should not forget about giving rewards when they have successfully performed a command. This is one way to encourage the dog or the puppy. Also, you have to remember that Yorkies enjoy eating. Because of this, treats are definitely excellent to use when you are going to train them.