Yorkies Showing
Below are pictures of some of our Yorkies now showing and also some up and coming show prospects. This is where breeding champions to be champions which is what we strive is proven. We also hold optimal health and vitality with the utmost of importance.
Below are pictures that we hope you enjoy, please click each photo to see an enlarged picture of each one. We will be updated this page soon.
We also include a short preview of what to look for if you are considering showing a AKC Yorkshire Terrier of your own in American Kennel Club conformation competitions. Even though brief in description, we hope that you find it informative.

Ch Artistry's Hot Diggity
Diggity finished his championship with very limited showing. He finished with 3 majors including a 5 point major at the Delaware Yorkshire Terrier Club Yorkie Specialty. He was awarded Winners Dog and Best Of Opposite Sex over many specials. Look for Diggity to be out later for his Grand Championship.
(Click Above to Enlarge)

GCh Artistry's Cole Train
Cole started out in the ring in 2013 finishing his Championship and then went on to finish his Grand Championship in only 6 shows winning over top ranked dogs. In only 6 shows for the year, he still ranked in the top 25.
(Click Above to Enlarge)

Artistry's She On Rolex Time
This is one of our show prospects that is just getting ready or is just ascending on their show career. Come back and see how she is progressing in development and or is doing in the show ring. We will post updated picture periodically

Artistry's Won And Only Fella
This is one of our show prospects that is just getting ready or is just ascending on their show career. Come back and see how he is progressing in development and or is doing in the show ring. We will post updated picture periodically

Artistry's Intoxicating
This is one of our show prospects that is just getting ready or is just ascending on their show career. Come back and see how she is progressing in development and or is doing in the show ring. We will post updated picture periodically.

Artistry's Show Diva
This is one of our show prospects that is just getting ready or is just ascending on their show career. Come back and see how she is progressing in development and or is doing in the show ring. We will post updated picture periodically
Yorkshire Terrier Showing Tips
Showing your Yorkshire Terrier can be a fun and very rewarding experience for you and your dog. We hope that if you have ever had an interest in showing that you go ahead and make the steps to at least give it a try.
Of course showing a Yorkie would be having one that you can be assured that had good quality. Below are a few things to look for in a Yorkshire Terrier for such attributes. It is not very detailed but will provide at least an overview.
What catches your eye and what makes a great show dog, setting them apart from the others, is their Presence in the ring; A dog that has true presence might not be the best representation of the breed that day in the ring, but in the dogs attitude and presence is telling you HE/SHE IS THE BEST. A dog that has not only of self-confidence but also self-importance.
A good example should be the outline and silhouette of a compact well-proportioned, in balance Yorkshire Terrier. Start at the head carriage and neck and work your way down; height of the dog, length of back, and tail lenght and set. Overall good proportionate balance when looked at them during a lineup of dogs in the ring. Yorshire Terrirers should look as tall at the shoulders and they are long from the shoulders to the tails set.
Balance of leg length, back length, neck length how everything fits together. Looking in proportion and Square so to speak.
Good front assembly, good rear assembly. A Yorkie should possess a sound body with rib spring and flat top-line. More on this can be found in the Yorkie Standard of which should be known by any exhibitor or exhibitor to be. Then also seek out good examples of the standard and put your hands on them. You can get help finding this from your breeder or other mentor of the breed.
How A Yorkie Is Judged In The Ring
How everything comes together on a dog will be seen when moving. Look for reach and drive and watch the front for such faults as crossing over or swinging out motion. As for rear movement, you should see fluid movement without the look of an egg beater, or rears that are too close and do not have as much drive as reach. Also look for good natural high head carriage. Without being pulled up or strung up my the lead.
Presentation on The Table
There are a few basic things that judges look for when accessing the correctness of your Yorkie. These basic things are usually sought during a table exam along with watching your Yorkie move at a correct gait around the ring. That is why Yorkies are put up on a table for the Judge to go over your dog with their hands to assess and evalute the quality of your dog. Comparing them to the AKC breed standard.
A few examples are listed below that we at Artistry Yorkies look for in our show prospects.
- Substance: The dog should have adequate bone and muscle. Good width of body and good rib spring.
- Structure: How the dog is put together in comparison to the breed standard.
- Coat: it should be glossy, fine, and silky. Coat should not have to be colored regardless of how much this is done in the ring today. Quality and texture of the coat is of vital importance with this breed.
- Soundness: Solid top-lines, rears that do not click, etc.
- Temperament: Yorkies should be self-confident. They should not shy away from the table exam.
Line Up Comparison
The Judge will look at overall quality and correctness in a line up of competing dogs. It is important at this time to present to the judge your dogs type and any outstanding qualities.