Homemade Yorkie Puppy Food Recipes
This page contains recipes for your Yorkie puppies. I will add more recipes as time permits. I will include Yorkie Puppies supplemental recipes along with whole meal recipes. These recipes have been handed down to me from other Yorkie Show Exhibitors and Breeders. I will have a variety are special diets which will include recipes for those that are a fussy eater to help gain weight. I will also include tube feeding formula's and other recipes for newborn puppies such as to help with fading puppy syndrome. These recipes should have no chemicals or BHA or BHT in them. BHA and BHT are regularly used in pet foods for preservation (shelf life). Studies have actually linked BHA and BHT with liver and kidney dysfunction and also cancer. See more on this topic on our other web pages. We will be adding more recipes periodically. Other resources such as puppy care for Yorkie puppies care has other helping information as well. I hope you find this information helpful.
Please Note: In no way does this website try to replace veterinarian advise or diagnosis.
hamburger meat (low fat content)
Lg box of Total Cereal
Lg box of uncooked oatmeal
1 jar of Wheat Germ
1 1/4 cup of veg oil
1 1/4 cup of unflavored molasses
10 eggs
10 pks of unflavored gelatin
Garlic to Taste
1 cup of flaxseed...ground up
2 scoops of Source/Kelp
Take all dry ingredients and place in a bowl. I crunch up the total while still in the box, and then pour all the other dry ingredients over it In a another large bowl put the hamburger meat and the wet ingredients. Mix each bowl well, then half each so that it is easier to mix. Mix just like you would a meatloaf I then take it raw, and place in freezer bags and put in the freezer, thaw out a bag as needed. feed raw. I prefer to however take the wet ingredients and cook them in a stock pot (do not overcook). Then I mix the dry ingredients to the pot and turn off the heat and mix well. I serve it warm. You can also add a little puppy kibble on occasion as a treat.
This can be used not only as a quick weight gain, but as a everyday supplement for your dogs this recipe has been tested and analyzed by several universities and was found to be a total canine diet. A dog could live on this without added kibble or any other supplements...this was before I added the Garlic and the Flaxseed and Kelp. With drop coat dogs like Yorkies, this recipe really keeps their coats wonderful, you need to watch how much you feed it will put weight on a slim dog in a matter of a several days. It will also make an easy keeper fat in just a short period of time. Try it, your dogs will love it!!! One other thing, I have just started to add Kelp to it also, just for the added Iodine, may be good for those dogs that have a lower normal thyroid function. You can make this recipe in whatever amount you need/want by just halving the recipe down to what you want.
1 lb. Hamburger (lean)
2 cups Dry Kibble
1/4 cup Honey
1/3 cup Linatone oil or other
1/4 cup Wheat germ oil
Grind Kibble in food processor or blender. Mix all ingredients together & freeze.
Supplement feed in small amounts in addition to regular diet. Slowly increase daily amount accordingly.
Start your Yorkie Puppies out with only one a day along with their regular food. Add slowly more each day until desired weight is obtained.
2/3 Cup Goat milk canned (or just regular canned milk)
1/3 Cup water or Pedialyte
1 teaspoon Karo Syrup
1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon Dyne or pediatric vitamin
Strain a couple of times to make sure there is no albumin in the mixture, although it has been used successfully without egg at all. Variation: 1 can of Condensed Milk rather than goat's milk (it may be too high in protein and put a strain on the puppy's kidneys 1 envelope of Knox unflavored gelatin in addition to other ingredients (helps keep stools solid).
This formula can be tube fed or bottle feed.
1 cup of canned Condensed milk or evaporated milk
4 ounces plain, full-fat yogurt
1 egg yolk
1 dropper full of baby vitamins
Mix well. Strain a couple of times to make sure there is no albumin in the mixture, although it has been used successfully without egg at all. Variation: 1 can of goats milk rather than Condensed Milk, as long as it is all organic. 1 envelope of Knox unflavored gelatin in addition to other ingredients (helps keep stools solid).
This formula can be tube fed or bottle feed.

2 1/2 cups cornmeal
1 1/2 cups cake flour
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg
2/3 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 small apple
1 1/3 cups water
1/2 cup rolled oats – pre-soaked in water and drained
In a bowl, mix all ingredients except the apple and rolled oats. Grate apple into mixture. With an ice cream scoop, fill into muffin pans lined with paper baking cups and sprinkle with oats. Bake for 40 minutes.